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This report shows all purchases made on the marketplace. Each purchase contains the following properties:

  • ID: The id of the token on database being purchased.
  • Title: The template title of the token being purchased.
  • From: The address of the buyer.
  • Price: Show Symbol Amount of the token used as payment.
  • Created: The date and time the purchased occurred.

Each purchase also has a button + that provides additional information:

  • From: The address of the buyer.
  • Token: The id of the token on blockchain being purchased.
  • Item: Show Symbol Amount of the token being purchased.
  • Price: Shows Symbol Amount of tokens used as payment.


You can filter reports by several properties:

  • Start date: The date from which purchases will be displayed.
  • End date: The date until which purchases will be displayed.
  • Contract: The contract of the token being purchased.
  • Template: The template of the token being purchased.