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Attributes can be

Configuration options

While deployment options are used as default values there are still things to configure

  • contract - the contract to update (readonly)
  • attribute - attribute name (readonly)
  • status
    • ACTIVE - Active tokens are displayed on site and available for selection for other actions
    • INACTIVE - Inactive tokens are not available for selection
  • grade strategy - how the price for the next level is calculated
    • FLAT - the cost remains the same each time. The cost formula for this strategy is

    cost = amount

    • LINEAR - the cost gradually rises with each level. The cost formula for this strategy is

    cost = amount * level

    • EXPONENTIAL - the cost rises exponentially using a growth rate. The cost formula for this strategy is

    cost = amount * (1 + rate / 100) ^ level

  • price - the price for the upgrade from level 0 to 1 (see asset)

Grade edit dialog