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This report shows all deposits made for Staking contract. Each deposit contains the following columns:

  • ID: The unique identifier of deposit.
  • Account: The address of the depositer.
  • Deposit: Show Symbol Amount of token being deposit.
  • Staking Rule: Show Deposit TokenType > Reward TokenType of the staking rule used for the deposit.
  • Created: The date and time the deposit occurred.


You can filter reports by several properties:

  • Status:
    • Active: deposits that are still active and have not been withdrawn.
    • Cancelled: deposits that were cancelled and the tokens were returned to the depositor.
    • Complete: deposits that were completed and the tokens were released along with the reward.
  • Account: The address of the depositor who made the deposit.
  • Empty reward: If checked, It means that the deposit does not have an on-chain reward, and any rewards for the depositor is off-chain.
  • Deposit:
    • TokenType: The type of token that was deposited (see asset)
    • Contract: The contract of the tokens that were used in deposit.
  • Reward:
    • TokenType: The type of token that was used to reward the deposit (see asset)
    • Contract: The contract of the tokens that were used to reward the deposit.
  • Start date: The date from which deposits will be displayed.
  • End date: The date until which deposits will be displayed.