Vesting is usually used to lock investors funds and unlock them using time-base function. This means investors still can use their bound to gain profit by selling it or by using it for governance but can't just sell tokens on the market.
As one investor can have more than one vesting contract assigned to him with different schedule we display a filterable list of available contracts with action buttons. These buttons allow to view contract details, transfer contract ownership to another account and release vested funds.
Linear Vesting
Linear vesting is the simplest type of vesting. The amount of assets released over time follows a straight line, meaning the same fraction of the total amount is released every second.
Vesting Function | Cliff Duration | Total Duration | Period | Cliff % | Growth Rate |
Linear | 0 days | 365 days | 1 seconds | 0 | N/A |
Linear Vesting with Cliff Delay
A cliff can be added to linear vesting, setting a cut-off point before which no assets are released. After the cliff, assets start releasing linearly.
Vesting Function | Cliff Duration | Total Duration | Period | Cliff % | Growth Rate |
Linear | 91.25 days | 365 days | 1 seconds | 0 | N/A |
Linear Vesting with Immediate Unlock
This type of vesting releases a portion of the assets immediately and then releases the remaining assets linearly over time.
Vesting Function | Cliff Duration | Total Duration | Period | Cliff % | Growth Rate |
Linear | 0 days | 365 days | 1 seconds | 25 | N/A |
Linear Vesting with Cliff Unlock
This type of vesting releases a portion of the assets immediately after a cliff period and then releases the remaining assets linearly over time.
Vesting Function | Cliff Duration | Total Duration | Period | Cliff % | Growth Rate |
Linear | 91.25 days | 365 days | 1 seconds | 25 | N/A |
Exponential Vesting
In exponential vesting, the amount of assets released increases exponentially over time.
Vesting Function | Cliff Duration | Total Duration | Period | Cliff % | Growth Rate |
Hyperbolic | 0 days | 365 days | 1 seconds | 0 | 200 |
Exponential Vesting with Cliff Delay
A cliff can be added to exponential vesting, setting a cut-off point before which no assets are released. After the cliff, assets start releasing exponentially.
Vesting Function | Cliff Duration | Total Duration | Period | Cliff % | Growth Rate |
Hyperbolic | 182.5 days | 365 days | 1 seconds | 0 | 200 |
Exponential Vesting with Cliff Unlock
This type of vesting releases a portion of the assets immediately after a cliff period and then releases the remaining assets exponentially over time.
Vesting Function | Cliff Duration | Total Duration | Period | Cliff % | Growth Rate |
Hyperbolic | 182.5 days | 365 days | 1 seconds | 25 | 200 |
Exponential Vesting with Immediate Unlock
This type of vesting releases a portion of the assets immediately and then releases the remaining assets exponentially over time.
Vesting Function | Cliff Duration | Total Duration | Period | Cliff % | Growth Rate |
Hyperbolic | 0 days | 365 days | 1 seconds | 25 | 200 |
Hyperbolic Vesting
In hyperbolic vesting, the amount of assets released increases quickly at the beginning and then slows down over time.
Vesting Function | Cliff Duration | Total Duration | Period | Cliff % | Growth Rate |
Exponential | 0 days | 365 days | 1 seconds | 0 | N/A |
Hyperbolic Vesting with Cliff Delay
A cliff can be added to hyperbolic vesting, setting a cut-off point before which no assets are released. After the cliff, assets start releasing hyperbolically.
Vesting Function | Cliff Duration | Total Duration | Period | Cliff % | Growth Rate |
Exponential | 182.5 days | 365 days | 1 seconds | 0 | N/A |
Hyperbolic Vesting with Immediate Unlock
This type of vesting releases a portion of the assets immediately and then releases the remaining assets hyperbolically over time.
Vesting Function | Cliff Duration | Total Duration | Period | Cliff % | Growth Rate |
Exponential | 0 days | 365 days | 1 seconds | 25 | N/A |
Hyperbolic Vesting with Cliff Unlock
This type of vesting releases a portion of the assets immediately after a cliff period and then releases the remaining assets hyperbolically over time.
Vesting Function | Cliff Duration | Total Duration | Period | Cliff % | Growth Rate |
Exponential | 182.5 days | 365 days | 1 seconds | 25 | N/A |
Monthly Linear Vesting
Monthly linear vesting releases a portion of the assets at the beginning of each month assuming each months equals 30 days.
Vesting Function | Cliff Duration | Total Duration | Period | Cliff % | Growth Rate |
Linear | 0 days | 360 days | 2592000 seconds | 0 | N/A |
Monthly Exponential Vesting
Monthly exponential vesting releases a portion of the assets at the beginning of each month, with the amount released increasing exponentially.
Vesting Function | Cliff Duration | Total Duration | Period | Cliff % | Growth Rate |
Hyperbolic | 0 days | 360 days | 2592000 seconds | 0 | 200 |
Monthly Hyperbolic Vesting
Monthly hyperbolic vesting releases a portion of the assets at the beginning of each month, with the amount released following a hyperbolic curve.
Vesting Function | Cliff Duration | Total Duration | Period | Cliff % | Growth Rate |
Exponential | 0 days | 360 days | 2592000 seconds | 0 | N/A |
- "afterCliffBasisPoints" can be increased to 10000 to implement a simple "Timelock Vesting"
- "period" can be increased to implement Weekly, Monthly, or Vesting of any custom period in step tranches
- "start" must be passed to schedule vesting activation, cliff period only begins counting after start timestamp
- "growthRate" only applies to exponential schedule, but must be passed in all schedules with default value
- "cliff" can be also applied to schedules with monthly steps and others