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To give an NFT for rent, user need to be the owner of the NFT and set the rental parameters, including the renter's address, duration, and Land Type (which determines how profits from the NFT is divided - 25/75, 50/50, 75/25). To set the rental parameters, the owner needs to visit the Rent page on Marketplace, select the NFT they want to rent out, and click on the Lend Token button to set the rental terms.

The renter and owner need to agree on the rental terms in advance, before the NFT can be rented out. Once the terms are agreed upon, the owner can grant temporary access to the NFT for the specified rental period. The transaction for renting the NFT needs to be paid by the owner of the NFT. At the end of the rental period, the access is automatically revoked, and the NFT is returned to the owner.

During the rental period, the renter can use the NFT within the ecosystem, such as playing a game and earning rewards or breeding and receiving new offspring. It's important to note that the renter cannot transfer the NFT or use it in ways outside of the ecosystem.